Re-design GreenMile Live, a SaaS solution that manages logistics deliveries, surveys and overall performance from a single control center. It “learns” from the actual routes and provides feedback against planned data, helping customers to increase visibility, improve routing execution and reduce costs.
GreenMile solution (including Live and several other mobile apps) was created and designed by developers, needing a complete revamp due UI inconsistencies and better UX opportunities. Also, I was the first designer hired by the company since its inception in 2012. I had the freedom to define design principles, create branding guidelines and involve users in the re-design process.

Past screens showing UI/brand inconsistencies.
Hundreds of new/old features needed to be (re)designed, respecting the 3 design principles: Consistency, Efficiency, and Beauty. Everything in just one quarter to deliver.

GM Live new interface, consistent with upcoming GM Driver UI.
GreenMile now uses Lean UX process with the mobile team, while keeps Agile/Scrum with the server/Live group. It also has UX integrated with company’s strategy. Customer satisfaction with product user experience has increased, and they have several new mobile products in the pipeline.

Upcoming mobile apps.