I am a hard user of Fireworks. My mockups and final interfaces are done there. I simply love it. Having coding for Corona a lot these days, I decided to create a Fireworks extension to Corona.

Basically what it does is to read all layers from the Fireworks file, getting data like positioning, sizes, fonts used, etc, generating automatically a main.lua file, helping me to start new code. Some people told me in the Corona forum that it may not be necessary but my tests show a really gain of time using the extension.

Here a practical example, using the final interface of A Temple A Day, my first app published:


The final interface above was done with the following list of layers from Fireworks:


With just a 2 clicks: Command->Corona Exporter, check the results below. 102 lines of code created in less than 5 seconds. Pretty fast interesting, no?

   1: --Code auto generated by Fireworks to Corona Exporter

   2: --Copyright: Alex Souza. www.asouza.com

   3: --6/11/2010


   5: local ui = require("ui");


   7: local background = display.newImage("background.png")


   9: local butcallPress = function(event)

  10:   --your code goes here

  11: end


  13: local butcallRelease = function(event)

  14:   --your code goes here

  15: end


  17: local butmapPress = function(event)

  18:   --your code goes here

  19: end


  21: local butmapRelease = function(event)

  22:   --your code goes here

  23: end


  25: local butsharePress = function(event)

  26:   --your code goes here

  27: end


  29: local butshareRelease = function(event)

  30:   --your code goes here

  31: end


  33: local butmorePress = function(event)

  34:   --your code goes here

  35: end


  37: local butmoreRelease = function(event)

  38:   --your code goes here

  39: end


  41: local butmore = ui.newButton{

  42:    default="butmore.png",

  43:    rollover="butmore_roll.png",

  44:    onPress=butmorePress,

  45:    onRelease=butmoreRelease,

  46:    x=281,

  47:    y=62

  48: };


  50: local txt_templena = display.newText("A Temple Day", 4, 22, "Arial-BoldMT", 24)

  51: txt_templena:setTextColor(102, 102, 102)


  53: local txt_addr1 = display.newText("123 45th St.", 5, 49, "ArialMT", 10)

  54: txt_addr1:setTextColor(102, 102, 102)


  56: local txt_addr2 = display.newText("Arizona, - United States", 4, 63, "ArialMT", 10)

  57: txt_addr2:setTextColor(102, 102, 102)


  59: local txt_phone = display.newText("Phone: +1 888 888 88881", 5, 75, "ArialMT", 10)

  60: txt_phone:setTextColor(102, 102, 102)


  62: local txt_dedicati = display.newText("Dedication: 1/23/2008, by John Doe", 5, 89, "ArialMT", 10)

  63: txt_dedicati:setTextColor(102, 102, 102)


  65: local topback = display.newRect(0, 0, 320, 104)

  66: topback:setFillColor(236, 236, 236)


  68: local title_atempl = ui.newLabel(bounds ={99, 110, 100, 23 }, text="A Temple Day", font="Arial-BoldMT", size=14, align= "center", textColor={255, 255, 255})


  70: local bluebar = display.newImage("bluebar.png", 0, 104)

  71: local mainphoto = display.newRect(0, 105, 320, 335)

  72: mainphoto:setFillColor(255, 255, 255)


  74: local butcopyright = display.newRect(297, 413, 17, 17)

  75: butcopyright:setFillColor(0, 0, 0)


  77: local butshare = ui.newButton{

  78:    default="butshare.png",

  79:    rollover="butshare_roll.png",

  80:    onPress=butsharePress,

  81:    onRelease=butshareRelease,

  82:    x=256,

  83:    y=449

  84: };


  86: local butmap = ui.newButton{

  87:    default="butmap.png",

  88:    rollover="butmap_roll.png",

  89:    onPress=butmapPress,

  90:    onRelease=butmapRelease,

  91:    x=149,

  92:    y=449

  93: };


  95: local butcall = ui.newButton{

  96:    default="butcall.png",

  97:    rollover="butcall_roll.png",

  98:    onPress=butcallPress,

  99:    onRelease=butcallRelease,

 100:    x=42,

 101:    y=449

 102: };


I submitted it to Adobe Extensions. In a few days it will be available publicly. Meanwhile, if you want to test it right now, download it from here.

Current version feature list:

– Script all visible layers (names, sizes, positioning, font names, etc) to a main.lua file, available in the same directory of your original png file;
– Groups layers are scripted as images;
– Button script can be done just writing ‘but’ or ‘button’ in the button’s layer;
– Background can be scripted just writing ‘back’ or ‘background’ in the background layer;
– Rectangles are scripted using Corona newRect or newRoundedRect function;

I have no words to thank Aaron Beall, Fireworks guru, for very important tips. Really appreciate his support.

See you all soon!
